- Ringworld by Larry Niven (naked twister!)
- Legend by David Gemmell
- Fat White Vampire Blues by Andrew Fox (who I just met at Armadillocon, along with his lovely wife)
- Wee Free Men
by Terry Pratchett

- Life as a House
- Invincible
- The Family Man

- Max

- Jackson Browne
- Brooks Williams

- snopes
- smoking gun
- truth or fiction?

- Dark Age of Camelot
- Diablo 2

16-sep-03 :: Johnny Cash wow.

11-sep-03 :: Another endless day of doing building designs for Kelli's Hair here in NB. They've bought a new building and are opening a 2nd location here in town. Searching for interesting jobs out Tyler way, but the closest I've come to interest is a teaching job at a computer store. :P Maybe I'll revert to sidewalk poet and terrorize the smalltown denizens.

3-sep-03 :: Spent a long weekend (fri-mon) at Shana's mom's house. It is POURING big time here in New Braunfels, and I've been watching the street rivers develop. Hope I don't get washed away. Doing some new pastel paintings in the style of my Little One and the Anger Boy.

28-aug-03 :: Well I may have actually sold my Dark Age of Camelot accounts. I'll find out tonight. I'm kinda mixed over it, on one hand I'm sad because I do have a lot of online friends there who I enjoy talking to, but on the other hand, I spend so much time playing that game that I neglect a lot of things I should be doing. Blah.

27-aug-03 :: Been Diabloing like mad recently, have a level 98 Amazon now. Shana and Kenzie and I went camping last weekend in Tyler State Park. Nice shelters in the park, would be an awesome place to have a Texas Outsidecon, which if we end up moving to that area, I will definitely be doing. Diabetes news: I'm down to one medicine now (was 3) according to the doc, he has had a patient become vegetarian, and with exercise, go completely off medication. I miss pie.

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Terry RW Whisenant weblog - artist | cartoonist | writer | troll vivant